Why do some podiatric patients need custom orthotics? According to an article published in the journal Arthritis Care and Research, foot pain affects between nine and 30 percent of the global population. If you're one of the many adults with heel, toe, or another type of foot pain, take a look at what you need to know about orthotics.

What Are Orthotics And Are They All the Same?

Orthotics are special shoe inserts that sit under either the entire foot or heel. These pads or cushions add support and can relieve pain from a variety of podiatric problems. Along with the size, shape, and coverage area, orthotics are available over the counter (from retail stores or inline) and from a podiatrist. 

What Are Custom Foot Orthotics?

As the name implies, these are custom (or specially-created) orthotic devices. Instead of general cushions, these orthotics are made for your feet—and your feet only. A podiatrist will assess your physical needs, activity level, medical conditions that could impact your feet and mobility, height, weight, and podiatric diagnosis before they prescribe a custom orthotic. This orthotic will fit your foot length and width and is made from a material that will help you to walk more comfortably. 

Are Orthotics the Only Podiatric Treatment?

No, orthotics aren't your only option. But this is often a first-line treatment that the doctor may prescribe before they recommend medications or surgical alternatives. The right orthotic may do more than only alleviate discomfort. It could potentially correct underlying problems and prevent future pain or worsening symptoms.

If you're not sure whether an orthotic is the right choice for your podiatric needs, talk to the doctor about the options. Provided your foot condition isn't severe and you can still walk, it's unlikely that surgery is the first-choice treatment. Instead, the doctor may suggest a custom orthotic or an orthotic combined with other conservative measures (such as physical therapy, at-home exercises, rest, or ice).

Which Type of Podiatric Problems Can Custom Orthotics Help?

Custom foot orthotics can help to alleviate pain or discomfort and prevent future problems for patients with a variety of temporary and chronic conditions. These include flat feet, plantar fasciitis, bunions, arthritis, heel spurs, high arches, hammer toes, and some types of foot, ankle, and toe injuries. Orthotics may also help to reduce sensitivity from leg or back issues. 

Will You Need To Wear Orthotics All the Time?

The doctor will instruct you and when to custom orthotics. Always follow your podiatrist's instructions. Failure to wear the orthotics properly or for the right amount of time per day could prolong the treatment or lead to more serious issues.

For more information on custom orthotics, contact a company like Advanced Foot Clinic.
