Being flatfooted is a condition where the arch of the foot is reduced and it can be painful. Some people are born with this condition, whereas others develop it because of some type of trauma to the foot. For this reason, you need to know the cause and treatment options available if the arch in one or both of your feet is decreased.

Bone Spurs

Many people who are born with flat feet do not realize that this condition can cause them additional pain. Having flat feet does not cause many people any problems or pain over their lifetime. However, if you start to experience in pain in your arch or ankle, then a bone spur may the cause of your discomfort.

Bone spurs are bony projections that develop in areas where one bone rubs against another bone. This typically happens around joints and the projections can irritate the tendons, ligaments and muscles around them. People with flat feet can develop bone spurs easily, since the bones in the joints can be closer together.

In most cases, non-prescription anti-inflammatory medication and rest works for reducing the pain. The idea is to bring down the irritation, which is one of the causes for the pain.

Surgery is only an option after an extended period of nonsurgical treatments has been done. The doctor may recommend surgery if the bone spurs interrupt the movement of your foot or ankle and the other treatments you have tried do not work in relieving the pain.

Damaged Tendons

If you were not born with flat feet, but you notice a decrease in your arch, then you may have a problem with the tendons in your feet. When you damage the tendons in your feet, they can stretch too far. When this happens, the arch loses its support and it decreases or flattens out. Typically, you experience sore feet and ankles on a regular basis before the arch starts to decrease.

For minor damage or sprains, wrapping the foot and ankle will help with stability of the arch and it can correct the issue. Taking time to let the tendons heal can give them the opportunity to go back into the correct position, which may help the arch go back into place. Aside from rest, your doctor may also recommend over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medication to help with any swelling or pain that develops.

In severe cases, your podiatrist may recommend surgery to repair the tendons. You will need this type of surgery if the tendons break away from each other and the arch completely flattens out. An orthopedic surgeon has the experience and skills to repair the tendons. After the tendons have healed, the arch may still be slightly decreased, but most of the pain should be gone. For more information, talk a professional like those at East Village Foot Center PC.
